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Good practices to not shoot yourself in the foot in the cloudИнфраструктура как код

Доклад отклонён
David O'Brien

David recently started his own company (XIRUS https://xirus.com.au ) focusing on mainly Microsoft stacks in the cloud, training individuals and companies in all things Microsoft Azure and Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS), and also still doing hands-on consulting and infracoding. He has held a Microsoft MVP award for 5 years and lately got awarded MVP for Azure. A co-organiser of the Melbourne Microsoft Cloud and Datacentre meetup he also regularly speaks at international conferences and combines his interest to travel the world with his passion to share IT stories with the community. David's blog can be found on https://david-obrien.net . In addition to blogging he has also published online training courses on Pluralsight.


Deploying workloads into the cloud is easy. Doing it the right way though? Not so much. This session will highlight lots of bad practices seen over time in customer environments and show how easy it is to not to the wrong thing.

With great power comes great responsibility. Cloud platforms give people immense power by enabling them to almost do whatever they want. In this session we will uncover the terrible things that your colleagues don’t want you to know that they did. From unpatched virtual machines over publicly accessible servers with default administrator passwords to money burning test environments. We’ll look at practices to save money and also the administrator’s sanity. You are in control of your company’s environments. Come to this session to hear about horror stories encountered in the wild and see how simple it can be to not shoot yourself in the foot when putting workloads into the cloud.

Логирование и мониторинг
Devops / другое

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