Конференция завершена. Ждем вас на DevOpsConf в следующий раз!
Профессиональная конференция по интеграции процессов разработки, тестирования и эксплуатации
30 сентября
и 1 октября 2019
Москва, Инфопространство

Tobias Oetiker


Tobias Oetiker has been working as a sysadmin and software developer for the last 25 years. His first claim for fame was MRTG, everybody's favorite network monitoring tool in the late 90s. He later also wrote the popular RRDtool and SmokePing packages. These days he is working at a small consultancy company in Switzerland, creating bespoke software for customers from around the world. You can find more about him by asking Google about Tobi Oetiker :)


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